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Event Guidelines


All organizations and individuals who provide service to the public, or interacts with the public, on behalf of the City of Brampton, must comply with the requirements outlined in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 11 ( . 

Event Organizers are encouraged to incorporate accessibility throughout their event to ensure people of all abilities feel welcome. 
For more information visit, Accessibility.

​Click here for information on City advertising options for Community Events.

Experience Brampton Website​

As the event organizer for an event where alcohol is being served you have a number of important responsibilities and obligations to ensure the safety of all attendees and event staff during and after an event. These requirements must be met under the Liquor Licence and Control Act ​in conjunction with the City's own Council-mandated Municipal Alcohol Policy​ (MAP). Please visit: City of Brampton | Recreation | Municipal Alcohol Policy for full details

The issuance of a Rental Agreement does not guarantee the Agreement Holder booking priority for future individual or seasonal rentals or the future use of the Facility.

The following timeline is used annually for facility allocation by Recreation staff:

  • Returning Customer for Indoor Space (April – August): Facility Rental Renewal applications due September 15 for the following year
  • Returning Customer for Outdoor Space (April – October): Facility Rental Renewal applications due October 15 for the following year
  • Returning Customer for Indoor Space (September - March): Facility Rental Renewal applications due April 15
  • New Requests: can be received any time and will be processed in accordance with the seasonal scheduling timelines
  • Indoor Garbas: Very limited number of spaces that can accommodate Garba festivities.  Save Max Sports Centre is the primary indoor facility hosting Garbas each Fall.  Space is allocated by lottery system.  In accordance with how the City seasonally allocates space, preference is given to returning user groups.  For further information or questions regarding the lottery process please email​

The supervision and security of all city-owned event equipment is the sole responsibility of the Event Organizer. Any lost, stolen, or damaged municipal assets will be replaced at the expense of the Event Organizer

Drone usage is regulated by Transport Canada and pilots must follow the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs). For drone use at events, the pilot must have:

  • A valid drone pilot certificate for advanced operations issued by Transport Canada
  • A Special Flight Operations Certificate (SFOC) for the specific activity
  • A registered drone with Transport Canada, visit Registering your Drone: Overview
  • Proof of air space clearance from NAV Canada 
  • A variance letter from City of Brampton Commissioner of Community Services - Drone use is prohibited at City parks and facilities as per the Parks and Facilities By-Law (No.161-83)  
  • Flight Plan: map of the proposed flight plan clearly indicating take-off location, route while airborne and landing location  
  • Security Plan – to address potential hazards of UAVs flown near or over the public and large crowds   
  • Certificate of Insurance to provide proof of insurance with the following requirements: 
    • The City of Brampton and the film company identified as additionally insured. 
    • General Comprehensive Public Liability in the amount of five (5) million  
    • A Cross Liability/Severability of Interest Clause 
    • Community and business notification  

Large events that include electrical equipment require an Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) permit and inspection. Any type of connection to City of Brampton circuits (3-phase cam-lok systems, pony-panels or other) for staging, A/V equipment, lighting etc., require ESA permits and inspection. 
City of Brampton outdoor parks, with the exception of Gage Park, do not have available power. 

The City reserves the right to cancel a community event without notice or reimbursement should there be a breach of any conditions or regulations related to the use of the Facility; should the City be of the opinion that the premises are not being used for the purpose specified on the Agreement; for emergency purposes; if the use poses a safety risk or may in any way conflict with the policies or reputation of the City. 

The City also reserves the right to cancel any booking on short notice for purposes including (but not limited to): special events; conflicting bookings; bookings made under a false pretence; mechanical problems; failing to meet legislative requirements; or weather conditions. 

Hosting festivals and events in neighbourhood parks creates many impacts to our local communities. The following permitting event hours allows festivals and events to continue to take place in our neighbourhood parks, while reducing impacts on our local communities.
Sunday to Thursday: stages to end by 9 PM & vendor selling by 9:30 PM
Friday: stages to end at 10 PM & vendor selling by 10:30 PM
Saturday: stages to end at 10 PM & vendor selling by 10:30 PM

Exemptions: This rule does not apply to events on private property or events on City of Brampton property with the following provisions:
  • Events taking place in Garden Square
  • City of Brampton Canada Day, Diwali and New Year's Eve celebrations
  • Events taking place on a long weekend
  • Long weekend Sundays are to be treated as a Saturday. ​

Depending on the scope of the event (i.e., alcohol, fireworks, stage programming, etc.) fencing may be required. SEAT will determine fencing needs and inform the Event Organizer.​

​All fireworks are prohibited in Brampton under By-Law 234-2022. For more information visit, By-Law Enforcement | Fireworks.

The level of required medical services for your special event will be determined in the Special Event Advisory Team (SEAT).

For all public events with an expected attendance of less than one thousand (1,000) participants, the Event Organizer is responsible to provide two (2) qualified and identified First Aid responders on site preferably stationed at the Command Post. Identification can be on a badge, a name tag, or a T-shirt but must be clearly visible by participants. 

For public events with an expected attendance of more than one thousand (1,000) participants, the Event Organizer is responsible to secure on site Frist Aid Services for the duration of the event. The associated fees for the rendered First Aid services are the responsibility of the Event Organizer. ​​

Food Booths that provide food and/or drinks for sale to the public must be licensed by the City of Brampton to operate within City boundaries. The category of license depends on the structure by which the food is sold. Visit the Licensing webpage for category of license requirements, fees, and a link to the online application form.

Food Booths must carry and maintain $5 million Commercial General Liability insurance, at their own expense. The insurance policy must list “The Corporation of the City of Brampton" as an additional insured. These insurance requirements will be collected and reviewed by the Events & Protocol team.

Event Organizers, and Food Vendors (booths, trucks, carts, etc.) need to complete an application and submit it to Peel Public Health at least 15 days before the event, the application portal can be found here.


All food trucks, trailers and carts are responsible for providing a valid City of Brampton business number.  If you need to obtain a Single-Day Special Event License, please visit the Licensing | Refreshment Vehicles  page to complete an application.

Please note that an administrative turn around is time required to process the application and issue the license. Applications with all documentation should be submitted a minimum 2 weeks prior to the event(s), to properly facilitate a streamlined and timely issuance of the licences.


Food cart or truck vendors must also obtain Commercial General & Auto Liability insurance, at their own expense, with an inclusive limit of not less than $5 million CGL & $2 million Auto per occurrence against all claims for personal injury, bodily injury including death, and property damage, and shall provide the City with proof of insurance coverage on a form provided by the City.

This insurance shall be carried for the entire permitted period and shall have "The Corporation of the City of Brampton" shown as an additional insured on the policy. Such policy shall be with an insurer licensed in Ontario that has a rating, which meets the requirements of the City's policy on insurance

Region of Peel

Event Organizers, and Food Vendors need to complete an application and submit it to Peel Public Health at least 15 days before the event, the application portal can be found here. 

The City of Brampton provides grants and funding across a variety of City-run initiatives. From supporting festivals and events, to local non-profit organizations, to entrepreneurs building their businesses, Brampton is committed to funding initiatives that build our community and support our Corporate Strategic Plan​.

Click here to explore the different funding opportunities throughout the city.

Amusement devices like bouncy castles and inflatable mazes are not endorsed for use by the City for events or activities held on City property. If an event organizer wishes to have an amusement device or inflatable at their events, it must follow the Technical Standards and Safety Act and Amusement Device Regulation 221/01. For more information, visit Facility Rentals | Amusement Devices & Inflatables.

Insurance is mandatory for all special event permit holders. The Event Organizer, at its sole cost and expense, must carry and maintain in full force and effect Commercial General Liability in an amount of not less than five (5) million dollars ($5,000,000) per occurrence including premises and all operations of the event. Insurance coverage shall include personal injury, contractual liability, owners and contractors' protective coverage, contingent employer's liability, property damage, medical payments, products, and completed operations, cross liability and severability of interests clause and non-owned automobile liability. 

Such insurance shall specifically state by its wording or by endorsement that the City of Brampton is included as an additional insured under the policy with respect to the operations and obligations of the Organizer. The Organizer shall deliver to the City, evidence of such insurance, no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the event, on a certificate of insurance (COI) form provided by the City completed and signed by an authorized representative of the insurance company. 

The Certificate of Insurance is required to include indication of the location and activity of the named insured for which the certificate is issued. The insurer must be licensed and approved to operate in the Province of Ontario. All insurance policies shall specify that they shall not be cancelled or changed to reduce coverage unless the insurance provider has given thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City of Brampton. The City reserves the sole right and at its discretion to demand additional types of insurance coverage and higher limits of insurance coverage depending on the nature of the special event and type of activities planned. The City may also require waivers and risk inspections at the discretion of Risk Management and the City's insurer.​

Blanket Vendor Liability Insurance

Events involving multiple vendors would require that the organizer provide evidence of Blanket Vendor Liability Insurance coverage.  The organizer can source this coverage by completing an application and submitting it to the insurance broker for a quotation.  This coverage offers protection to the organizer, as well as the vendors.  Contact the Events & Protocol team to obtain the application and for assistance.  In the absence of blanket vendor liability coverage, the organizer would need to collect and submit proof of insurance from each participating vendor. 

​If your special event involves animals (e.g., petting zoos, pony rides, exotic animal shows, etc.) the vendor providing those services must possess a valid municipal stationary business license. As well, the event organizer and vendor must each submit an application to Peel Public Health via this portal.

Any form of petting zoo at public events can result in attendees being at greater risk of food borne illnesses and communicable diseases. The event organizer and animal entertainment vendor should review and follow the Ministry of Health's Recommendations To Prevent Disease And Injury Associated With Petting Zoos In Ontario. 

Games of chance, raffles, or lotteries in any form are not permitted without a Lottery Licence. 
Lottery Licenses can only be issued to charitable organizations through municipalities and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO). 
For more information, visit Licensing | Lottery Licensing.

Entandem is a joint venture between RESOUND and SOCAN and was created to simplify the licensing process so that all desired music may be played at an event legally and ethically. Any special event using recorded music is subject to SOCAN and RESOUND licensing fees and Event Organizers are responsible for submitting Entandem fees. 

The fees are collected by the City of Brampton (unless an Event Organizer has a license) and will be reflected on your Rental Agreement based on audience size and intended use. For more information on RESOUND and SOCAN, visit Entandem.

Under the Open Fires By-Law 91-94, The City does not permit open-air fires (campfires, barrel fires, fire pits) for any type of recreational or cooking purpose for any special event held on City property without a permit. For events with Ceremonial/Sacred fires no permit is required within City-approved locations.      ​

Depending on the size and scope of the event, an Event Organizer may be required to provide a parking management plan. This plan must identify Fire Access Emergency Routes, accessible parking spaces, vendor parking, and event attendee parking. 

It is recommended Event Organizers also consider the following: 

  • Additional off-site parking needs to be arranged if on-site parking is insufficient 
  • All event attendees should be made aware of the parking arrangements and enforcement policies for the event 
  • Attendees parking in municipal parking lots shall ensure their vehicle is parked in a designated space or lot. 
  • Shuttle service(s) should be arranged if off-site parking is required 
  • Parking on the grass, pathways, in driving lanes, in fire routes, outside of designated parking spaces (i.e. at the end of an isle of marked parking), and in designated accessible parking spaces without a valid permit on display is prohibited ​

The City reserves the right to ensure public safety at your event which may include the requirement of Police Paid Duty coverage.

The level of coverage and roles and responsibilities will be determined when your event is reviewed by the Special Event Advisory Team (SEAT). 

If police coverage is required, the associated fees are the Event Organizer's responsibility. For more details visit Peel Regional Police | Paid Duty Officer.

If your event requires the use of a Regional or municipal road, you must apply for a road closure.

The City reserves the right to require Security Guard Services at any event hosted on City property. The degree of coverage required will be determined when your event is reviewed by the Special Event Advisory Team (SEAT). 

Security services at events on City property can only be provided by prequalified event security companies. 

All costs associated with security services are the responsibility of the Event Organizer and will be added to the final Rental Agreement.

In certain circumstances, the Event Organizer may be required to provide a Security Plan for SEAT approval, which will include:

• Site Map; 
• Evacuation Plan; 
• Command Post; 
• Communications Plan; 
• Emergency Response Plan; and 
• Paid Security details (Peel Regional Police Paid Duty Officer and/or Private Security).

A permit is required to display signage within the City of Brampton. For more information on the City Sign Sleeve Program, please visit By-Law Enforcement | Signs. Additional promotional opportunities are available through the City, please contact the Events & Protocol team for more information. ​

The amendment regulation O.Reg. 30/23 of the Ontario Building Code requires a building permit for any stage that falls under the categories below:

  • The aggregate area of all platforms is more than 60 m² and any part of the platform is more than 3 m in height above adjacent grade level,  
  • When the aggregate area of all platforms of the demountable stage is more than 225 m², or  
  • Any part of the platform or any roof, wall or structure attached to or located on any of the platforms of the demountable stage is 5 m or more in height above adjacent ground level. 

More information on City of Brampton building permits can be found here. Please note, stages that do not meet the above criteria, must still conform to good engineering practices. ​

Event Organizers are not permitted to put stakes into the ground and must secure structures with surface weights (i.e. sandbags or water barrels).

Only under extenuating circumstances will the City of Brampton permit the use of stakes. Event Organizers must receive prior permission from the City if intending to install tents, stakes, pegs, posts, guy wires, etc. Additionally, no such item may be driven into the ground without first obtaining a utility locate for the area. 

For more information, visit Resident Info Centre | Utility Locates.

A limited supply of 10' x 10' tents is available for rent through the City of Brampton's Parks Department. However, for a tent or group of tents that is more than 60 sq. metres (645 sq. ft.) a building permit is required. For more information visit, Building Permit Requirements | Temporary Tent.

The smoking of tobacco, vaping of any substance and the smoking of cannabis in enclosed workplaces and public places is prohibited within the City of Brampton. The City operates under the provincial Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017, Region of Peel By-Law No. 49-2019 and Region of Peel By-Law No. 30-2016. For more information visit, By-Law Enforcement | Smoking.  ​

As per the Peel Public Health Guidelines, the Event Organizer must ensure washroom facilities are provided in sufficient numbers, conveniently located, and maintained in a sanitary manner throughout the event. The ratio used for an unlicensed event is 1:100 (washroom to participants) and 1:75 for licensed events. In addition, washroom facilities must have handwashing stations with a constant supply of hot, cold, or warm potable water, liquid soap in a dispenser, and single use paper towels.

SEAT will provide guidance in determining washroom requirements and connect Event Organizers with a City-approved service vendors when additional washroom facilities are required.  ​

Waste collection is the sole responsibility and at the expense of the Event Organizer for all special events that include food service. 
The Event Organizer must manage waste bin delivery and collection during the special event and clean-up of the City and/or facility including the removal of all garbage and recycling following the end of the event.

More information on Waste Management contractors and on-site litter maintenance can be provided through SEAT​

City of Brampton outdoor parks do not have water sources available for special events. Event Organizers must comply with the Region of Peel Food Safety Guidelines. All water used throughout an event, including water used for hand washing, preparation of foods, cleaning and making ice, must be potable/drinkable and from an approved source. Accepted supplies are a municipal water source or commercially bottled water.​
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Advertising on City Assets
  • ​​Accessibility
  • Alcoholic Beverages & Liquor Licences: As the event organizer for an event where alcohol is being served you have a number of important responsibilities and obligations to ensure the safety of all attendees and event staff during and after an event. These requirements must be met under the Liquor Licence and Control Act ​in conjunction with the City's own Council-mandated Municipal Alcohol Policy​ (MAP). Please visit: City of Brampton | Recreation | Municipal Alcohol Policy for full details. ​
  • Animals for Entertainment​
  • Fireworks, Pyro Technique and Special Effects
  • Food Carts or Trucks
  • Food Booths
  • Inflatables and Amusement Devices
  • Insurance
  • Lottery (Raffles, Bingo, Penny Sales, etc.)
  • Damage to Municipal Property
  • Drones
  • Electrical​
  • Fencing
  • Music Licencing​​

  • Event Hours:
    Sunday to Thursday: stages to end by 9 PM & vendor selling by 9:30 PM
    Friday: stages to end at 10 PM & vendor selling by 10:30 PM
    Saturday: stages to end at 10 PM & vendor selling by 10:30 PM
    Exemptions: This rule does not apply to events on private property or events on City of Brampton property with the following provisions:
    -Events taking place in Garden Square
    -City of Brampton Canada Day, Diwali and New Year’s Eve celebrations
    -Events taking place on a long weekend​
    -Long weekend Sundays are to be treated as a Saturday.
  • Noise Control / Sound Amplification
  • Parking
  • Road Closures
  • Peel Regional Police
  • Security Services
  • First Aid Services
  • Stages
  • Staking / Spiking / Digging
  • Tents and Canopies
  • Washrooms
  • Waste Management
  • Water Supply
  • Open Fire / Flame Producing Device or Appliance
  • Signs / Banners
  • Tobacco, Cannabis & Electronic Cigarettes
  • Grants & Funding: The City of Brampton provides grants and funding across a variety of City-run initiatives. From supporting festivals and events, to local non-profit organizations, to entrepreneurs building their businesses, Brampton is committed to funding initiatives that build our community and support our 2040 Vision. Click here to explore the different funding opportunities throughout the city.
  • Cancellation by City: The City reserves the right to cancel this Agreement without notice or reimbursement should there be a breach of any conditions or regulations related to the use of the Facility; should the City be of the opinion that the premises are not being used for the purpose specified on the Agreement; for emergency purposes; if the use poses a safety risk or may in any way conflict with the policies or reputation of the City. The Agreement Holder agrees that upon such cancellation there will be no claim or right to any damages, or reimbursement on account of any loss, damage, or expense whatsoever. The City also reserves the right to cancel any booking on short notice for purposes including (but not limited to): special events; conflicting bookings; bookings made under a false pretence; mechanical problems; failing to meet legislative requirements; or weather conditions. Under such circumstance, the City will reimburse the Agreement Holder of any associated payments made previously to the City but not those that have been incurred to a third party.
  • No Future Priority:​ The issuance of a Rental Agreement does not guarantee the Agreement Holder booking priority for future individual or seasonal rentals or the future use of the Facility​
  • City Support: All requests for support; including waived rental fees and equipment costs, require Council approval. For information and steps on how to delegate to Council, please visit: City of Brampton | Council and Committees | Participate in a Council Meeting

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Every effort has been made to provide accurate information; however, the processes and contacts are subject to change without notice.

Planning Timelines

​​Summary of Timelines


For the purpose of these guidelines, the following definitions are to be understood:
Event Organizer - A member of the public who has entered into an agreement with the City of Brampton to utilize municipal space to host an event. An Event Organizer must be eighteen (18) years of age or older.
Event Support Liaison - An employee of the City of Brampton designated to act as a facilitator between the Event Organizer and all applicable City departments and divisions.​​​

  • Admission Fees and Ticket Sales
  • Entertainment
  • Event Equipment
  • Alcohol
  • Dignitary Attendance Requests

Contact Festival and Events