Insurance is mandatory for all special event permit holders. The Event Organizer, at its sole cost and expense, must carry and maintain in full force and effect Commercial General Liability in an amount of not less than five (5) million dollars ($5,000,000) per occurrence including premises and all operations of the event. Insurance coverage shall include personal injury, contractual liability, owners and contractors' protective coverage, contingent employer's liability, property damage, medical payments, products, and completed operations, cross liability and severability of interests clause and non-owned automobile liability.
Such insurance shall specifically state by its wording or by endorsement that the City of Brampton is included as an additional insured under the policy with respect to the operations and obligations of the Organizer. The Organizer shall deliver to the City, evidence of such insurance, no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the event, on a certificate of insurance (COI) form provided by the City completed and signed by an authorized representative of the insurance company.
The Certificate of Insurance is required to include indication of the location and activity of the named insured for which the certificate is issued. The insurer must be licensed and approved to operate in the Province of Ontario. All insurance policies shall specify that they shall not be cancelled or changed to reduce coverage unless the insurance provider has given thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City of Brampton. The City reserves the sole right and at its discretion to demand additional types of insurance coverage and higher limits of insurance coverage depending on the nature of the special event and type of activities planned. The City may also require waivers and risk inspections at the discretion of Risk Management and the City's insurer.
Blanket Vendor Liability Insurance
Events involving multiple vendors would require that the organizer provide evidence of Blanket Vendor Liability Insurance coverage. The organizer can source this coverage by completing an application and submitting it to the insurance broker for a quotation. This coverage offers protection to the organizer, as well as the vendors. Contact the Events & Protocol team to obtain the application and for assistance. In the absence of blanket vendor liability coverage, the organizer would need to collect and submit proof of insurance from each participating vendor.